Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Building Typologies

1--Which  building  typology you are researching?
The type  of  building   i  researched   was  a  fire station.
2--Why  are  you  researching  this  building?
I  would  like  to know  more  about   the  duty  they  perform and  the  space  in  which  they   spend  most  of  their   time.
3--What  is  the specialty of  this  building  type you  would  like  to  research  i.e.  museum  for  dance  school  for digital media?
The  specialty   of this   fire station   would  be   providing v workshop,   storage, living  facilities  and  work  space.
4--What  are  the  examples that  you  will;  be  researching ..   list  the  example..
 Ave  Fenix  fire  station / AT103    .
5--What  are  your  goals  for  working  with  this building  type?
My  goals   are  to  design  an  innovative  building   where   you   might  want  to  go   a  workshop  and  then  volunteer.
6--What  are  the program  elements   that  you  see  included   at  this  point  in  your  building?
The  program  elements  at  this point   are   work space, classrooms,  storage   space  and   living   facilities

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