Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Building Samples

Fire Station CLIENT:
Rolf Fehlbaum
Vitra International AG
Klunefeldstrasse 22
CH-4127 Biersfelden
852 m²
"We initiated our design with a study of the overall factory site. Our intention was to place the elements of our commission in such a way that they would not be lost between the enormous factory sheds. We also used these elements to structure the whole site, giving identity and rhythm to the main street running through the complex. This street – which stretches from the chair museum to the other end of the factory site, where the fire station is now located, was envisaged as a linear landscaped zone, almost as if it were the artificial extension of the linear patterns of the adjacent agricultural fields and vineyards. Thus, rather than designing the building as an isolated object, it was developed as the outer edge of the landscaped zone: defining space rather than occupying space. This was achieved by stretching the programme into a long, narrow building alongside the street which marks the edge of the factory site, and which also functions as a screening device against the bordering buildings.
The space-defining and screening functions of the building were the point of departure for the development of the architectural concept: a linear, layered series of walls. The programme of the fire station inhabits the spaces between these walls, which puncture, tilt and break according to functional requirements. The building is hermetic from a frontal reading, revealing the interiors only from a perpendicular viewpoint."

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Building Typologies

1--Which  building  typology you are researching?
The type  of  building   i  researched   was  a  fire station.
2--Why  are  you  researching  this  building?
I  would  like  to know  more  about   the  duty  they  perform and  the  space  in  which  they   spend  most  of  their   time.
3--What  is  the specialty of  this  building  type you  would  like  to  research  i.e.  museum  for  dance  school  for digital media?
The  specialty   of this   fire station   would  be   providing v workshop,   storage, living  facilities  and  work  space.
4--What  are  the  examples that  you  will;  be  researching ..   list  the  example..
 Ave  Fenix  fire  station / AT103    .
5--What  are  your  goals  for  working  with  this building  type?
My  goals   are  to  design  an  innovative  building   where   you   might  want  to  go   a  workshop  and  then  volunteer.
6--What  are  the program  elements   that  you  see  included   at  this  point  in  your  building?
The  program  elements  at  this point   are   work space, classrooms,  storage   space  and   living   facilities